Thursday, March 20, 2008

Embarrassing Moment

I think one of the worst moments in my stuttering days ,when I was in my MCS class. Before we could start the session, the faculty of MCS wanted everybody in the room to write about CRM what he given and also rated by urself. This was an enormous task for us to undertake. We were given a binder of information, and ten minutes to write . I was failed to complete and rated 5/10 by myself to me. No one got 10 out of 10 and failed to achieve the expectations of faculty. And the moment he started his thoughs was kick in the core of my heart and force to realize me that " Where i am?" If i am say about CRM then for me as a student, CRM is nothing but "SFR", Student Faculty relationship.

Student+Faculty= Relationship

And i personally feel I failed in this relationship this time. The thing which he described was highly realizable, especially for me. He was absoulately true. I think i m really cheating myself. I always think and talked about ROI- Return on Investment but here i failed to achieve this. As this was our last class of CRM but I assumed that we ll have a class after a week and I ll definately known about CRM till that time. And i know " If i think, i can, i will" And now the hunts begin. I will definately show Who i am in d next 2 months and I will be on the top.

1 comment:

Kumar said...

really it was a shame for one and all and Its really fine and good enough that u realized and converted into the knowledge bomb and keep continuing coz as that we will never get the tim once again and always it will be the last class........