Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Have Realized that

I have realized many things in my life especially from last couple of months which i am describing below:-

1) Lonilier you feel, lonilier the world makes you feel

2) Words had hurt me more than, the wounds i had suffered in life

3) Broader the smile, deeper may be the wound inside

4) No matters how many times i pray, i only get what i rightfully deserve

5) When i am ecstatic about something, there are never enough people to share it with

6) A face is not as important, as it is made to believe

7) One person misery, another person merriment

8) Every relationship has an expiry date

9) I am better when I am silent

10) Smiling all the time can really hurt

11) Always trust on people can be dangerous

12) Tears convey more than what words can ever say

So you can feel the facts of life which you also facing. Feel the difference.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Drive Slowly ur life

Life goes on........Drive slowly. If u see this pics clearly you can understand the meaning of life. Really this pics showing the volatility in the life as you can see in the stock market. This is really happenening in everyones life. So always drive slowly either your Car or ur Life.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reservation In India

On April 10th 2008, the Supreme Court of India upheld the government's move for initiating 27% quotas in government-funded institutions. The Court has categorically reiterated its prior stand that the creamy layer should be excluded from reservation policy, and that quotas will not apply to private institutions that do not take government aid. The verdict produced mixed reactions from supporting and opposing quarters.
Children of those earning Rs. 2.5 lakh ($6,250) per year belong to "creamy" layer (Government has declared that they will be reviewing this limit to consider inflation effect of suggested income slab and bring more eligible people under the reservation

Reservations are intended to increase the social diversity in campuses and workplaces by lowering the entry criteria for certain identifiable groups that are grossly under-represented in proportion to their numbers in the general population. Caste is the most used criteria to identify under-represented groups. However there are other identifiable criteria for under-representation -- gender (women are under represented), state of domicile (North Eastern States, as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are under-represented), rural people, etc. -- as revealed by the Government of India sponsored National Family Health and National Sample surveys.
The underlying theory is that the under-representation of the identifiable groups is a legacy of the Indian caste system. After India gained independence, the Constitution of India listed some erstwhile groups as Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST). The framers of the Constitution believed that, due to the caste system, SCs and the STs were historically oppressed and denied respect and equal opportunity in Indian society and were thus under-represented in nation-building activities. The Constitution laid down 15% and 7.5% of vacancies to government aided educational institutes and for jobs in the government/public sector, as reserved quota for the SC and ST candidates respectively for a period of five years, after which the situation was to be reviewed. This period was routinely extended by the following governments and the Indian Parliament, and no revisions were undertaken for the fear of losing votes (It is a well known fact that the so-called backward communities are active in politics and their people vote; unfortunately, the majority of highly educated Indians do not vote during the general elections).
Later, reservations were introduced for other sections as well. The Supreme Court ruling that reservations cannot exceed 50% (which it judged would violate equal access guaranteed by the Constitution) has put a cap on reservations. However, there are state laws that exceed this 50% limit and these are under litigation in the Supreme Court. For example, the caste-based reservation fraction stands at 69% and is applicable to about 87% of the population in the state of Tamil Nadu (see section on Tamil Nadu below).


Dear Readers,

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a company or public agency is the corporate officer primarily responsible for managing the financial risks of the business or agency. This officer is also responsible for financial planning and record-keeping, as well as financial reporting to higher management. (In recent years, however, the role has expanded to encompass communicating financial performance and forecasts to the analyst community.) The title is equivalent to finance director, commonly seen in the United Kingdom. The CFO typically reports to the Chief Executive Officer, and is frequently a member of the board of directors.

Now the question is arise that Is CFO necessary for any company? Can any company run without CFO?

Think Out of life

Dear Readers,

Is human life just a dream, from which we never really awake, as some great thinkers claim? Are we submerged by our feelings, by our loves and hates, by our ideas of good, bad, beautiful, awful? Are we incapable of knowing beyond those ideas and feelings?Is the reality we know a reality imposed to us by nature? Is the reality and the meaning of life a creation of men, such as music, or love or colors (science tells us that there isn't such things as music, harmony or colors in the physic world. Just traveling molecules: There is not, external to us, hot or cold, but only different velocities of molecules; there aren’t sounds, callings, harmonies, but just variations in the pressure of the air; there aren’t colours, or light, just electro-magnetic waves.Are we - and all living beings - just survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules.

Are we incapable of knowing beyond the frames imposed to us by nature?
Is there any significance for life in a Universe of billions of stars that ignore us? Is there any significance for life in an Universe whose dimensions and nature overcome our understanding?

If you read this article I m sure you will really think about the facts of life, atleast for a moment.

Dancing Stars

Dear Readers,

The first question every day always ask me is "Why ?", Why would I do it ? The answer is simple.Because I can. It actually is more surprising to me that some people would even think twice if asked to participate on the show. I'm the first to admit that I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I can honestly say I wake up every morning with a smile knowing what a wonderful family, friends and life I have. It's the exact same way I felt when I was broke. Money makes so many things in life easier, but it can't buy you a positive outlook on life. Fortunately, how any of us approaches each of our days is completely up to us. It's not something you can buy or sell. It's not hard to put a smile on your face every day, but for some reason some people find it impossible to do. Not me.The opportunity to do something unique that makes me smile is something I try not to pass up, Dancing with the Stars is just that.It's not about how well I can dance. Its about the opportunity to compete at something I enjoy. Its about doing something that makes me smile every minute I'm doing it or even thinking about it.Why am I competing on Dancing with the Stars ? Because its an opportunity to have a blast. Its a blast practicing. 2,3, 4 or more hours just blaze by is if its just minutes. Its hysterical what they are going to make me wear.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Information technology(Downward)

Dear Readers,

The Indian information-technology (IT) services industry, one of the fastest-growing industries in the country, is confronting new challenges. This is the area where IT is booming but student is going on rikshaw. I think IT is booming for urban area or rich people but not for rural area or poor people.

Degraded infrastructure, Information Technology boom with no jobs and red-tapism may pull the up-warding growth. I.T is booming but where are the jobs? Capital investment is the primary source of this boom. Unemployment is a bigger threat to India. The organized sector has raised just about 6 million jobs since 1991. It is three times less than that of China.
Have a look in Bangalore which is famous for Information technology, You can find that Bangalore city is well equipped with technology but if u see the rural area or semi-urban area of Bangalore there is no I.T. In India 70% of population are living in Rural areas. If it is true then where is I.T. There are few major issues where we must concentrate and try to find the root cause and then eliminate them.
1) Why we are still unable to implement such technology in rural areas?
2) Why Unemployment rate is much higher in India than other country?

Example:- I was typing about I.T in my Laptop but my laptop battery was not charged. As I plucked the charger in pluck point, power goes. Power comes after 3 hrs. 3hrs= 180 minute So where is Technology? Why electricity goes off?

Thus, Many attempts to justify the business value of increased investments in information technology (IT) have shown mixed results. While findings from earlier studies have been conflicting, recent firm level studies indicate that IT investments have a positive impact on productivity. However, whether IT adds value to organizations is an on going debating issue. Thus, it is worth of further investigation.
"I think we can should the name of Information Technology to Innovation Technology. "