Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Information technology(Downward)

Dear Readers,

The Indian information-technology (IT) services industry, one of the fastest-growing industries in the country, is confronting new challenges. This is the area where IT is booming but student is going on rikshaw. I think IT is booming for urban area or rich people but not for rural area or poor people.

Degraded infrastructure, Information Technology boom with no jobs and red-tapism may pull the up-warding growth. I.T is booming but where are the jobs? Capital investment is the primary source of this boom. Unemployment is a bigger threat to India. The organized sector has raised just about 6 million jobs since 1991. It is three times less than that of China.
Have a look in Bangalore which is famous for Information technology, You can find that Bangalore city is well equipped with technology but if u see the rural area or semi-urban area of Bangalore there is no I.T. In India 70% of population are living in Rural areas. If it is true then where is I.T. There are few major issues where we must concentrate and try to find the root cause and then eliminate them.
1) Why we are still unable to implement such technology in rural areas?
2) Why Unemployment rate is much higher in India than other country?

Example:- I was typing about I.T in my Laptop but my laptop battery was not charged. As I plucked the charger in pluck point, power goes. Power comes after 3 hrs. 3hrs= 180 minute So where is Technology? Why electricity goes off?

Thus, Many attempts to justify the business value of increased investments in information technology (IT) have shown mixed results. While findings from earlier studies have been conflicting, recent firm level studies indicate that IT investments have a positive impact on productivity. However, whether IT adds value to organizations is an on going debating issue. Thus, it is worth of further investigation.
"I think we can should the name of Information Technology to Innovation Technology. "


Ram Naidu said...

Hi dude,
I really can’t understand how you manage time to write so many articles, anyways good time management! keep it going…
Your comments are quite funny and inspiring! That really makes my day, thanks for all those comments, looking forward for some more feedback from you. I’m still yet to read your whole blog, especially the ‘black Wednesday’, is it that you have personified the black Wednesday article to your personal life? Looks like!

Coming to this article of yours to my opinion its not the reach of I.T that is the root cause, but its about insufficient resources which is linked to the main cause that is over population which we need to tackle coz of which there is so many other problems getting created like the contemporary one the foodgrains shortage and so on…( this was just my opinion)
IMHO my association with someone who is dedicated and hardworking with so much knowledge would make a great difference to me. I look forward for your help through out… Thanking you God bless you!

Amit Jain said...

Hi ram,
Nice to c ur comment and i m agree, but upto sum extent. U know china is more populated country then India but still manage and ahead then India. If u c in ur life sometimes we get limited resources to do the work and we ourselves analyse that we cant do the work with limited resources. But my dear friend We must complete the work no matter what is amount of resources. No matter wt u need.
Resources is nothing but artificial thing which created by us and demolish bu us. So u cant believe on ur resources. So always mind that dear, what ever u have resources u must think that its enough 4 u. " output should b higher than input". and thatz d challenge 4 IT sector and Life too.
Thankx 4 ur rly.

Ram Naidu said...

hi sir,
thak you so much for your comment, that gives me an inspiration and also a reason to write one more article. surely you will be able to read one soon. i appreciate that. take care

Kumar said...

nice combination of all these and thanx to make the audience and readers know this ...