Wednesday, October 8, 2008

4 I's of Business model.."I's effect" ( Part-1)

Dear Reader

After reading many articles and papers, I found something beautiful concept i.e "I's Effects". We have seen X effect but now........ I's effect. This concept buzzing in the world and you can see on Page3. But i thing is really mising in this concept which i will describe later. I's effect is
Here Ideas is
D- design
E- Experimentation
A- Added value
S- sales plan
Ideas includes these above mentioned words. Ideas are precious for both sides of the table. It can be good or worse.Organisations are under increasing pressure to come up with next big idea and to get it on the market fast.We've all heard that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. But people tend to assume that this hard work happens after a great brainwave. This isn't true: really good ideas do take effort to realise, but they only come into being on a foundation of hard work and experience, too.

"Insight" has become something of a buzzword over the last few years. It's not just another name for a fact, a research conclusion or an "observation".But when understand I then next challenge will be how to design the "Idea". Let me give you classical example.

Apple design Process:- How Apple work with their idea. They actually apply "10 to3 to1" concept. Under this concept they take ten ideas, whittle those down to three which they then spend time refining until they end up with just one strong design. This is how design works.

Experimentation:- A company must know that how their ideas make a differnece from other companies. And hence the word "Experimentaion" comes which play a vitol role. Let me give you few examples:

1) Apple:- Apple is different beacuase of its design.
2) Intel:- Intel is different because of its ability to constantly increase microprocessor power at reduced price.
3) Jet Blue:- It is different with its low cost effecient air travel concept.

And So on. Believe me my friends "differntiation" is not an accident. It didnt happen just by itself.

Added value:- How added value works in the word "Ideas". This is adding an additional advantage in terms of value to the company. Let me give you a classical example:-

Google:- Google regularly adding value to it product by providing exrtra service and hence google is a leading market player in search engine.
Nokia:- Due to additional features in Handset they become a giant.
So added value is basically comes due to Customer Satisfaction.
And Last
Sales Plan:-
Lastly to prove the word"Ideas", Sales plan exist in the market. So sales plan helps to figure out the estimation of selling of product in the market.
Therefore Ideas is the concept from where you move one step ahead.And there you will see how " Invention" becomes a role model in the market after applying Ideas to market.


Kumar said...

magnificent work of brain and pen...

Amit Jain said...

Thanks KGM. Ll meet very soon here in Part-II